پښتو او پښتون

پښتو پالو، پښتو ستايو، پښتو به وايو دا مو ننګ دا مو ايمان دی بس همدا زمونږه شان دی

New Power Play! Details Inside

Posted by Hamid Gul Sherzai on مې 14, 2013

Gold does bling, yet its not a good finance deal. What is? New film production companies with earnings, like G TRL! Bigger cinematic production studios are strugling recently with large overheads, they can’t win. This is where G TRL’s monetization strategy shows to action. G TRL’s model is too attractive for bigger cinematic production companies they would start implementing it now. This would bring stock cost to a $1! Add it comfortably now under 6 cents and get a capital when it soars. Initiate adding on May, 14th.

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